研究人员指出,酶分解纤维素生物质为发酵糖是生物燃料生产过程中的关键,也是主要的经济瓶颈问题。这项研究解释了多种纤维素酶是如何通过酶协同作用分解固体纤维素,以及为什么纤维素酶的混合物比每种酶分别单独酶解效果好。该项研究成果已发表于Nature Chemical biology杂志上。
Berkeley Lab Researchers Find Way to Catalyze More Sugars from Biomass
Jan Liphardt, Harvey Blanch and Doug Clark
Catalysis may initiate almost all modern industrial manufacturing processes, but catalytic activity on solid surfaces is poorly understood. This is especially true for the cellulase enzymes used to release fermentable sugars from cellulosic biomass for the production of advanced biofuels. Now, researchers with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) through support from the Energy Biosciences Institute (EBI) have literally shed new light on cellulase catalysis.