【题名】:Influence of Branching Density and Functionally Defective Macromolecules on the Curing Kinetics and on Properties of Vulcanized Polysulfide Oligomers
【作者】: D. S. Ioffe, I. L. Gubaidullin, O. V. Petrov, and E. S. Nefed’ev
【杂志名全称】: russian journal of applied chemistry
【年,卷(期),起止页码】: 2000,73(10):1810-1812
【全文链接】: 不好意思,没找到
Abstract - Two series of polysulfide oligomers, differing in branching density and content of non-functional terminal groups, were prepared by model synthesis, and the influence of these factors on the curing kinetics and on the properties of vulcanized polysulfide oligomers was evaluated.
abcbanana 发表于 2012-11-14 18:52
2001-2011 http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/maik/rjac
2012-------- http://www.springerlink.com/ ...
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