
标题: Reflexive sheaves, Hermitian–Yang–Mills connections, and tangent cones [打印本页]

作者: colimae    时间: 2021-6-4 18:19
标题: Reflexive sheaves, Hermitian–Yang–Mills connections, and tangent cones
题名Reflexive sheaves, Hermitian–Yang–Mills connections, and tangent cones
作者Xuemiao Chen & Song Sun
杂志invent. math

作者: sample2007007    时间: 2021-6-4 18:19
作者: colimae    时间: 2021-6-10 19:20
2000------vol 316-318:
On a theorem of Severi.......................Francesco Russo, pp1 - 17
Canonical extensions, irregularities, and the Swan conductor............Richard Crew, pp19 - 37
Pointwise Remez- and Nikolskii-type inequalities for exponential sums
        Peter Borwein, Tamas Erdélyi, pp39 - 60
Compressions of free products of von Neumann algebras
        Kenneth J. Dykema, Florin Radulescu, pp61 - 82
Estimates of solutions of the HpHp and BMOA corona problem
        Mats Andersson, Hasse Carlsson, pp83 - 102
Frank Merle--------A Liouville theorem for vector-valued nonlinear heat equations and applications, (Hatem Zaag), pp103 - 137
A new topology for the set C∞,G(M,N)C∞,G(M,N) of G-equivariant smooth maps
        Sören Illman, Marja Kankaanrinta, pp139 - 168
Three basic results for real analytic proper G-manifolds
        Sören Illman, Marja Kankaanrinta, pp169 - 183
On Levi's problem on complex spaces and envelopes of holomorphy
        Mihnea Coltoiu, Klas Diederich, pp185 - 199
Subnormal operators and the Kaplansky density theorem
        Don Hadwin, pp201 - 213
Meyer's signature cocycle and hyperelliptic fibrations.......Hisaaki Endo, pp237 - 257
Self-similar and asymptotically self-similar solutions of nonlinear wave equations
        Hartmut Pecher, pp259 - 281
Mixed Hodge complexes on algebraic varieties.................Morihiko Saito, pp283 - 331
On the holomorphicity of proper harmonic maps between unit balls with the Bergman metrics
        Song-Ying Li, Lei Ni, pp333 - 354
Multiplicity of holomorphic functions..................................Charles Favre, pp355 - 378
Finsler metrics on symmetric cones....................................Yongdo Lim, pp379 - 389
Ricci curvature and the topology of open manifolds*
        do Carmo, Changyu Xia, pp391 - 400
A presentation of mapping class groups in terms of Artin groups and geometric monodromy of singularities
        Makoto Matsumoto, pp401 - 418
Flat surfaces in the hyperbolic 3-space
        José A. Galvez, Antonio Martinez, Francisco Milan, pp419 - 435
Formal Néron models and Weil restriction............Alessandra Bertapelle, pp437 - 463
Surfaces convexes fuchsiennes dans les espaces lorentziens à courbure constante
        François LabourieJean-Marc Schlenker, pp465 - 483
The Alexander polynomial and finite type 3-manifold invariants
        Stavros Garoufalidis, Nathan Habegger, pp485 - 497
Central extensions of Lie algebras graded by finite root systems
        Bruce Allison, Georgia Benkart, Yun Gao, pp499 - 527
Linear cycle spaces in flag domains.......................Joseph A. Wolf, Roger Zierau, pp529 - 545
E∞-structure for Q∗(R).............................................Birgit Richter, pp547 - 564
Kleinian singularities, derived categories and Hall algebras
        M. Kapranov, E. Vasserot, pp565 - 576
Analyticity and smoothing effect for the Korteweg de Vries equation with a single point singularity
        Keiichi Kato, Takayoshi Ogawa, pp577 - 608
The strict Positivstellensatz for global analytic functions and the moment problem for semianalytic sets
        F. Acquistapace, C. Andradas, F. Broglia, pp609 - 616
John Lott--------Signatures and higher signatures of S1-quotients, pp617 - 657
Sampling measures for Bergman spaces on the unit disk....................Daniel H. Luecking, p659-679
On π-hyperbolic knots with the same 2-fold branched coverings
        Marco Reni, pp681 - 697
A Fatou–Bieberbach domain avoiding a neighborhood of a variety of codimension 2
        Gregery T. Buzzard, John H. Hubbard, pp699 - 702
Qi S. Zhang--------An optimal parabolic estimate and its applications in prescribing scalar curvature on some open manifolds with Ricci ≥0, pp703 - 731
Sequences of degree-one maps between geometric 3-manifolds........Teruhiko Soma, pp733 - 742
Orbits of SU(2)-representations and minimal isometric immersions
        Christine M. Escher, Gregor Weingart, pp743 - 769
An inverse problem for an elliptic equation with an affine term............Robert Dalmasso, p771-792
Line bundles, regular mappings and the underlying real algebraic structure of complex algebraic varieties
        J. Bochnak, W. Kucharz, pp793 - 817
Geometrically reducible line complexes.....................Frédéric Han, pp819 - 824

On the metric structure of non-Kähler complex surfaces............Florin Alexandru Belgun, pp1 - 40*
On the zeta function of quaternionic Shimura varieties...............Harry Reimann, pp41 - 55
Unipotent groups and curves of genus two...................................David Penniston, pp57 - 78
A new geometric construction of compact complex manifolds in any dimension
        Laurent Meersseman, pp79 - 115
Oka's principle for holomorphic fiber bundles with sprays
        Franc Forstnerič, Jasna Prezelj, pp117 - 154
Intersection multiplicities over Gorenstein rings
        Claudia M. Miller, Anurag K. Singh, pp155 - 171
Regularity theory for the generalized Neumann problem for Yang-Mills Connections – Non-trivial examples in dimensions 3 and 4
        Antonella Marini, pp173 - 193
Rigidity of group actions on solvable Lie groups..........................Burkhard Wilking, pp195 - 237
Versal deformation of reflexive modules over rational double points
        Akira Ishii, pp239 - 262
A tight closure proof of Fujita's freeness conjecture for very ample line bundles
        Karen E. Smith, pp285 - 293
Vanishing of differentials along ideals and non–archimedean approximation
        S.D. Cutkosky, R. Hübl, pp295 - 308
Lattice representations of Heisenberg groups.............................Jae-Hyun Yang, pp309 - 323
On a conjecture of W. Veys.................E. Artal BartoloI. Luengo, A. Melle-Hernandez, pp325 - 327
Universally Koszul algebras...........................................................Aldo Conca, pp329 - 346
Stability of the blow-up profile of non-linear heat equations from the dynamical system point of view
        C. Fermanian Kammerer, F. Merle, H. Zaag, pp347 - 387
Regular Legendrian knots and the HOMFLY polynomial of immersed plane curves
        S. Chmutov, V. Goryunov, H. Murakami, pp389 - 413
Moment maps and Riemannian symmetric pairs...............Luis O'Shea, Reyer Sjamaar, pp415 - 457
Chromatic weight systems and the corresponding knot invariants
        Jens Lieberum, pp459 - 482
The period lattice for Enriques surfaces..............................Daniel Allcock, pp483 - 488
On the super additivity of tunnel number of knots..............Kanji Morimoto, pp489 - 508
Complete nondegenerate locally standard CR manifolds
        Costantino Medori, Mauro Nacinovich, pp509 - 526
Invariants de Von Neumann des faisceaux analytiques cohérents
        Philippe Eyssidieux, pp527 - 566
Harnack inequality for nonlinear harmonic spaces............Abderrahman Boukricha, pp567 - 583
Criteria of motivic equivalence for quadratic forms and central simple algebras
        Nikita A. Karpenko, pp585 - 611
Higher genus surface operad detects infinite loop spaces.......................Ulrike Tillmann, pp613-628
Finiteness properties for subgroups of GL(n, Z).................Martin R. Bridson, pp629 - 633
The Navier-Stokes equations in the weak- L^n space with time-dependent external force
        Masao Yamazaki, pp635 - 675
Polynomial hulls and H∞ control for a hypoconvex constraint
        Marshall A. Whittlesey, pp677 - 701
Mappings of BMO–bounded distortion
        Kari Astala, Tadeusz Iwaniec, Gaven Martin, pp703 - 726
Integrality of L^2-Betti numbers.....................Thomas Schick, pp727 - 750
Gamma factors of certain supercuspidal representations
        Jahwan Kim, pp751 - 781
Annuli in generalized Heegaard splittings and degeneration of tunnel number
        Martin Scharlemann, Jennifer Schultens, pp783 - 820

作者: colimae    时间: 2021-6-10 19:22
The Yang-Mills flow near the boundary of Teichmuller space
        Georgios D. Daskalopoulos, Richard A. Wentworth, pp1 - 42
The geometry of the moduli space of curves of genus 23
.       Gavril Farkas, pp43 - 65
Mean values of Dirichlet L-series.....................Manfred Peter, pp67 - 84
Hecke theory of series formed with modular symbols and relations among convolution L-functions
        Nikolaos Diamantis, Cormac O'Sullivan, pp85 - 105
Dwork cohomology and algebraic D-modules
        Alexandru Dimca, Fay?al Maaref, Morihiko Saito, pp107 - 125
Automorphisms and ideals of the Weyl algebra...........Yuri Berest. George Wilson, pp127 - 147
Unfolding polynomial maps at infinity...........................Walter D. Neumann, Paul Norbury, p149-180
Rough isometry and energy finite solutions of elliptic equations on Riemannian manifolds
        Yong Hah Lee, pp181 - 204
Linear dependence among Siegel modular forms..........Cris Poor, David S. Yuen, pp205 - 234
A class of sheaves satisfying Kodaira's vanishing theorem............Donu Arapura, pp235 - 253
Fuchsian groups, automorphic functions and Schwarzians
        John McKay, Abdellah Sebbar, pp255 - 275
Dold-Kan type theorem for Gamma-groups......................................Teimuraz Pirashvili, pp277 - 298
Compactness theorems and the Calabi flow on Kahler surfaces with stable tangent bundle
        Shu-Cheng Chang, pp315 - 340
On the search for weighted inequalities for operators related to the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroup
        E. Harboure, J.L. Torrea, B. Viviani, pp341 - 353
Smoothing effects for Schrodinger evolution equation and global behavior of geodesic flow
        Shin-ichi Doi, pp355 - 389
BLD-mappings in W^{2,2} are locally invertible.............Juha Heinonen, Tero Kilpel?inen, pp391-396
Four-manifolds with delta W^+=0 and Einstein constants of the sphere
        Matthew J. Gursky, pp417 - 431
The ideal structure of the Hecke C*-algebra of Bost and Connes
        Marcelo LacaIain Raeburn, pp433 - 451
Regularity near the characteristic set in the non-linear Dirichlet problem and conformal geometry of sub-Laplacians on Carnot groups
        Nicola Garofalo, Dimiter Vassilev, pp453 - 516
On Bergman completeness and Bergman stability
        Chen Boyong, Zhang Jinhao, pp517 - 526
Ambrosio--------Rectifiable sets in metric and Banach spaces,, (Bernd Kirchheim), pp527 - 555
Ordinary p-adic Etale cohomology groups attached to towers of elliptic modular curves. II
        Masami Ohta, pp557 - 583
On local properties of non-Archimedean analytic spaces.....M. Temkin, p585 - 607
Vanishing structure set of Haken 3-manifolds.......................S.K. Roushon. p609 - 620
Period ratios of modular forms................................................Neil Dummigan, pp621 - 636
Algebraic determination of isomorphism classes of the moduli algebras of E_6 singularities
        Hao Chen, Craig Seeley, Stephen S.-T. Yau, pp637 - 666
Properly immersed minimal disks bounded by straight lines
        Francisco J. Lopez, Fusheng Wei, pp667 - 706
Global holomorphic 2-forms and pluricanonical systems on threefolds............Tie Luo, pp707 - 730
Janko Latschev--------Gradient flows of Morse-Bott functions, pp731 - 759
The LMO-invariant of 3-manifolds of rank one and the Alexander polynomial
        Jens Lieberum, pp761 - 776
Multiplicity-free actions and the geometry of nilpotent orbits..................Kyo Nishiyama, pp777-793
Distribution of the partition function modulo composite integers M.......Scott Ahlgren, pp795 - 803
Universal deformation rings and cyclic blocks............Frauke M. Bleher, Ted Chinburg, pp805 - 836
Stable base loci of linear series....................................................Michael Nakamaye, pp837-847

00Catégories prémodulaires, modularisations et invariants des variétés de dimension 3
        Alain Bruguières, pp215 - 236
00Décomposition spectrale de 1-formes différentielles sur une surface de Riemann et séries d'Eisenstein
        Thérèse Falliero, pp263 - 284
00Une identité remarquable en théorie des partitions
        Alain Lascoux, Michel Lassalle, pp299 - 313
00Homologies associées aux variétés de Poisson....................G. Papadopoulo, pp397 - 416

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