
标题: Two-site Cr3+ occupation in the MgTa2O6:Cr3+ phosphor toward broad-band near-... [打印本页]

作者: tookey0116    时间: 2021-5-19 08:39
标题: Two-site Cr3+ occupation in the MgTa2O6:Cr3+ phosphor toward broad-band near-...
题名Two-site Cr3+ occupation in the MgTa2O6:Cr3+ phosphor toward broad-band near-infrared emission for vessel visualization

作者: sample2007007    时间: 2021-5-19 08:39
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/186MomLHD7vWACvJ-YKwEtQ

提取码: qhh9

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