中文里有句话叫做“三个臭皮匠顶一个诸葛亮”,这句话要译成英语还蛮困难的,因为还得解释“诸葛亮”何许人也。其实,这句话说成“Two heads are better than one.”就成了。
Situational Dialogue 1
A: Use your head! You can do it.
B: Ok, I'll have a try.
(在这里, Use your head 是动脑子的意思)
Situational Dialogue 2
A: I think we'd better head home.It's getting late, and we have a bit of a drive.
B: Ok.
(表达“回家”,大家可能会用go home,米国人则更欢喜用head home)
Situational Dialogue 3
A:Sorry! This is totally over my head.
B:Forget it.
( over my head的意思是“超出某人理解的范围。”)
[attach]3952[/attach] 作者: power 时间: 2013-2-22 23:40
营养贴 学习了 支持楼主作者: 青青 时间: 2013-2-23 00:10
It is so useful for us.作者: expaper 时间: 2013-2-23 07:24
快,都来支持下偶滴师姐,不来的统统打屁股哦作者: maggie 时间: 2013-2-23 09:40
Thanks for all of u, I'll be happy if it's helpful.
I got mind of u, power and qingqing, nice to bump into u here作者: blackhawk 时间: 2013-2-26 13:04
强烈欢迎又一实力派美女加盟作者: maggie 时间: 2013-2-26 13:42
I'm a newbie here while both of u r knowbie that I cannot compare with. I'm glad if I live up to ur expectation haha作者: power 时间: 2013-2-26 19:10
you r really out of our expectation, amazing, definitely... thanks for sharing your knowledge...